Frequently Asked Questions

We are currently worshipping on Sunday mornings at Jennie Moore Elementary school. Our Staff is based in a rented temporary office. All of our other Services and meetings for all of our ministries are in borrowed spaces or member homes – many of which lack the capability for childcare. We need our Church home where we can have multiple Sunday Services, mid-week Services, Christmas Services, childcare facilities and meeting spaces for all of our ministries on every day of the week. We need to be able to control our own schedule again. We have been blessed by the generosity of local churches but it is time that we once again have our Church home where we can go forth and make disciples.

In order to build our new Church home we need:

Everyone Praying
Everyone Giving
Everyone Serving

The Unity Campaign – Going Forth Joyfully as One in Christ to Build a Church that Makes Disciples

Phase One will cost $8M. We expect to raise $8M so that we can build Phase One with no debt. We hope to exceed $8M and will build as much as we can with what is raised.

We will total all that has been received and inform the Congregation where we are in terms of the MasterPlan and Phase One.

The Building Committee has been working on the MasterPlan for 18 months with input from the Parish Survey. We decided that Phase One was the most cost-effective way forward to leave Jennie Moore and have facilities on our land that support worship space and childcare.

We expect that it will not and it should not. Church campaign studies show that building campaigns typically have a positive effect on the overall church budget. Unity Campaign gifts are different and separate from the ministry of annual giving and we encourage all households to keep that in mind when planning their giving.

100% of funds given will go toward the Unity Campaign project – both hard costs (construction) and soft costs (furniture, architect). 90 % is for hard costs.

We expect to break ground August – November 2025 and think it will take 18 months to complete.

One reason we are planning a phased approach as opposed to the entire Master Plan is to make sure this does not happen. We have a contingency fee in the total costs. We selected an architect and environmental engineer early and are working with them and the Contractor every step to make sure that we have a good idea of costs and that the scope does not creep during construction.

No – we currently have no debt.

We think it is a matter of wisdom. There are valid reasons to take on debt, but not to do so foolishly. We expect to raise $8M to build Phase One with no debt. If it is necessary to consider debt for any Phase of the Master Plan we will make sure we act with wisdom.

The earlier in the campaign gifts are received, the less we potentially have to borrow for construction financing. We can receive appreciated stock and can consider more complex gifts. We can receive online gifts.

We will have a four-year campaign starting in January 2025 and ending in December 2028.

Yes! In many cases, this is the most tax-advantaged way to give. We have accounts and relationships with organizations which can process complex charitable gifts.